Virtual Events
Not all of Weekend in Norfolk’s events have been in person. During the height of the pandemic, both summer and winter Weekends were virtual. Whatever the season, they featured tours, art shows, musical performances, fun things like a ski lesson, kids’ activities and more. A few were live-streamed, but most of them still reside on our YouTube channel, along with extras we gleaned from other sources. Use this page as your virtual guide to Norfolk…you can enjoy it from anywhere, 24/7, at the touch of a finger!
Music | Art | Nature | Kids | &More | Extras
Works by Debussy and Dvorak: Concert from the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival * 1:19:37
Music, Music, Music! The Brentano Quartet plays works by Beethoven and Hayden: Concert from the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival * 1:11:40
Works by Klughart, Beethoven and Mendelssohn: Concert from the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival * 1:11:40
Works by Mozart, Beethoven and Schumann: Concert from the Norfolk Chamber Music Festival * 1:29:02
Music! Music! Music! Luna and the Lost Souls * 10:53
Music, Music, Music! Performance by guitarist Michael Cobb (3 songs) * 14:59
Music, Music, Music! Performance by guitarist Michael Cobb (4 songs) * 24:26
Music, Music, Music! Performance by drummer Dale Savage * 9:01
Music, Music, Music! Performance by students from Botelle Elementary School * 10:52
Music, Music, Music! Performance by pianists Maura May and Linda Bell * 9:03
Music, Music, Music! Performance by Jude Mead * 13:49
Music, Music, Music! Performance by Josh and Ginny DeCerbo * 11:16
Music, Music, Music! Performance by Andrew Thomson * 4:08
Music, Music, Music! Performance by John and Tobin DeShazo * 6:58
Music, Music, Music! Performance by Jamal Ford-Bey * 3:25
Music, Music, Music! Performance by Luna and the Lost Souls, featuring Angela Luna and Joanie Burzymowska * 5:35
Music! Music! Music! Music from Battell Chapel: Michael Cobb and Ben Heron * 30:16
Music, Music, Music! Performance by Michael Cobb and Andrew Pincus * 18:38
Workshop on winter photography * 12:31
Studio tour: Susan Aziz, puppet maker * 9:3
Stained glass window tour of Battell Chapel * 21:23
A visit with Laura Nichols, potter * 3:58
Art show: Norfolk Artists & Friends * 10:39
12th Annual Exhibition, Norfolk Artists & Friends * 8:40
Stained glass window tour of Battell Chapel * 21:26
A Visit with John Thew * 18:13
Studio tour: Jon Riedeman, sculptor * 7:00
Studio tour: Karen Linden, painter * 1:59
Studio tour: Jim Jasper, painter and print maker * 47:55
Studio tour: Susan Rood, print maker * 19:40
Studio tour: Adam Paul Heller, stone carver * 22:55
A look through the lens of Marie Kendall * 5:00
Cross-country skiing with Star Childs * 5:50
What is it like to live among polar bears? * 1:12:50
A hike on the Norfolk Land Trust trails * 6:40
A nature walk around City Meadow * 57:13
Ukulele lesson 101 for chord beginners* 10:50
Ukulele lesson 201 with more chords * 9:18
Kids’ Workshop: Printing with leaves and found materials * 17:43
Kids’ Workshop: Making sun catchers and wind chimes * 13:47
Architectural tour of Norfolk with William Hosley * 9:51
Workshop on Spanish cooking * 8:08 [recipe]
Demonstration: How the Norfolk Curling Club makes ice * 8:46
Tour: What do farmers do in winter? * 21:46
Historic house tour: the Alders * 6:00
Food as Medicine: How to prepare healthy foods * 39:24
Cooking Demo: Stacking a Burger * 23:42 [recipes]
Architectural tour of four notable Norfolk houses * 4:14
Tour of Husky Meadows Farm * 14:26
A day at Lost Ruby Farm * 2:39
Tour of Norfolk’s historic Center Cemetery * 11:59
Slide lecture: The Norfolk Library, Gilded or Golden? * 34:44
Every weekend’s a great weekend in Norfolk! We have assembled videos that are not WIN events, but still represent the same kinds of wonderful things that happen in this town. There are studio tours, art shows, literary discussions and more…and we keep adding. You can go to our YouTube channel or use the listings as convenient shortcuts. Enjoy!
Studio Tour: Hilary VanWright * 47:24
Studio Tour: Tom Hlas * 1:02:16
Studio Tour: Molly Zuckerman Hartung * 1:05:08
Book Talk: Freedom in Black and White * 1:08:49
Book Talk: What It’s Like to Be a Bird * 1:20:58
Norfolk Artists & Friends show, September/October 2020 * 12:32
Norfolk Artists & Friends show, November/December 2020 * 13:27
Norfolk Artists & Friends show, April-May 2021 * 11:58